''The new songs sound dark and evil''. ''Very early 90's thrash influenced. Lately I have been realizing the purpose of why I started Dillinger all those years ago. It was to make people truly uncomfortable and to make them not feel accepting of what is happening in their surroundings. When I was growing up I discovered metal and it interested me, I liked that it was dark and talked about the fact that the world is not all puppy dogs and ice cream cones. But then it just got ridiculous, humourous, I look at black metal bands and they are suppose to be so evil. But it's not real. It's about fiction. About goblins and the gates of hell, pretty much a bad horror movie.
The music we are writing is influenced by the feelings I get when I hear and see the real evils of this world. Horrible things that make me really question if there is a God or not. This shit is not comfortable, the world is not comfortable, babies are getting raped in your town for God sakes. Young girls are being sold as sex slaves, but most people sitting at their computers downloading music don't want to know. They want to sit on a message board or play fantasy football while their mommy makes them a sandwich.''
Ben Weinman (Dillinger Escape Plan) in Rock Sound
Ui Ui é melhor começar-me a preparar para o que está ai para vir! The Dillinger Escape Plan rulez \oo/
Por estas palavras proferidas, fico um pouco questionado sobre o que estes senhores poderão fazer.
Upa upa, digo eu.
Pegando nas palavras de uma outra banda, "they are fucking insane"!
Acho que vai demorar até que saia um novo álbum...
"But then it just got ridiculous, humourous, I look at black metal bands and they are suppose to be so evil. But it's not real. It's about fiction." Tão, como é? Eu gosto de ficção! E já que ele falou em influências thrash, o dos Tankard enquadra-se perfeitamente na categoria "ridiculous, humourous" :D
Novo disco só para o ano...
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