07 agosto, 2007


Aqui fica uma dissertação acerca das Fanzines. Os conteúdos são os seguintes:

" My dissertation will be structured as follows; in the next chapter I will review the existing literature available on the subject of fanzine production and culture. This will also enable me to engage with the issues and arguments related to fanzines that that are covered in these pieces of writing. The third chapter will deal with the way in which I conduct my research and how I intend to analyse fanzines as both publications and cultural products. The chapter following that will look at the history of fanzines and the 'fanzine culture' that they have created. Chapter five will look at the more technical aspects of the production, distribution and promotion of fanzines; how they are producedand how they reach their audience. Following that, I will look at the development of fanzines on the Internet and the changes that the electronic media might bring. Finally, I will state my conclusions."



At 7.8.07, Blogger Raquel Brandão said...

:) Já tive uma fanzine. Chamava-se Demónios Lusitanos. Bons tempos!

At 7.8.07, Blogger Pedro Nunes said...

Arranja-me um exemplar para ver! :p

At 7.8.07, Blogger Raquel Brandão said...

Não tenho em formato informático... Foi ao ar com o incêndio! Tenho em papel os exemplares do Crest ... Super rudimentar, na altura fazia colagens :P

At 7.8.07, Blogger ::Andre:: said...

mel, também quero ver isso!!!

pedro, parece ser interessante. vou espreitar embora seja algo que não me imagino a fazer.

At 7.8.07, Blogger Pedro Nunes said...

Quero ver esses exemplares então. :p

At 7.8.07, Blogger Crestfall said...

Demónios Lusitanos!! \oo/ Grandes entrevistas, Grandas colagens, grandes tó colantes, Grande apresentação :-D

At 8.8.07, Blogger ::Andre:: said...

queremos um revival da Demónios Lusitanos!!!


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