Primeiro super grupo do Black? A formação merece um belo par de cornos antecipado. Da esquerda para a direita: Sanford Parker (Minsk), Jeff Whitehead (Leviathan), Stavros (The Atlas Moth), Aaron Turner (Isis), Neil Jameson (Krieg) e Blake Judd (Nachtmystium).
Que grande grupo! \m/
pedro nunes
pois... o primeiro álbum teve a sua piada...
Krieg :D
bem ja devem saber disto, mas este line up- não varia muito do line up de nachtmystium que é
Sanford Parker, Blake Judd, Wrest, Jeff Wilson, Will Lindsay.
"And, going deeper into the future, guess which two black metal stalwarts are serving as the rhythm section on the new Nachtmystium? Take a look at this studio photo. Make informed guesses.
Yes, Wrest (Leviathan) on drums locking in with Will Lindsay (ex-Middian, currently Wolves In The Throne Room) on bass. The combo of Judd's blackened anthems and Leviathan's massive drumming should be killer. Very excited for Addicts (Century Media, July). Probably my most anticipated album of the year, largely because nobody knows where Judd will take Nachtmystium next: Instinct: Decay + Worldfall + Assassins + Doomsday Derelicts +... ?
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