ENABLERS @ Mercedes
10 de Novembro, Sexta 23h

Faltam 2 semanas para o 1º concerto Amplificasom. Apareçam!
Oriundos de São Francisco (USA), os Enablers são uma banda composta por 4 excelentes músicos que transportam no seu reportório colaborações com vários projectos fundamentais no panorama da música contemporânea como Swans, Tarnation, Nice Strong Arm, Broken Horse e Toiling Midgets. Em Novembro vão estrear-se em Portugal com uma data única no Porto no dia 10. Mestres de uma sonoridade singular e intensa, a experiência que é proporcionada por um concerto de Enablers não deixa, certamente, ninguém indiferente.
O quarteto conta com a seguinte discografia, editada pela Neurot Recordings :
“Ouput Negative Space” CD (2006)
“End Note” CD (2004)
Reviews de Output Negative Space:
southern.net: “This is a band, and a record that's far, far greater than the sum of it's parts. Something special.”
popmatters.com: “A release like Output Negative Space is a reminder of why I listen to music. This is the sound of a band going out on a limb. Enablers are doing something so markedly different from every other band, that you realize the only sense of obligation they feel is to their muse.”
dustedmagazine.com: “When I saw them play live it was just so amazing…The guys in enablers are such totally nice genuine and intense people. The music they make together is obviously the product of a pretty special group of artists.”
Slug Magazine: “This record compliments itself and stands alone as a true work of original hipster art.”
Underworld Mag: “O vocalista soa a Denis Leary possuído por Johnny Cash”
Reviews de End Note:
drownedinsound.com: “If only we could, then this album would be the stuff of legend. As it stands, it’s a highlight of 2004”
Stylus Magazine: “There’s something special going on in End Note... Trust me: you’ll find yourself driving past your destination, waiting for the last word and note before circling back towards your life.”
Spendid Ezine: “This combination of evocative words and engaging music makes End Note feel important, like these moments contain secrets critical to our existence. This is dense, heavy stuff, and I don't mean "heavy" in a metal sense. This is what the Beatniks were after, and what few achieved, either then or since. As such, the Enablers have made a worthwhile statement, both musical and literary.”
TimeOut New York: “End Note equally stresses the importance of both Simonell i's texts and the band's expressive investigations of tension and release. Enablers' first-rate debut doesn't just raise the bar for verse-infused postpunk - it deftly rewrites the book.”
Panache: “Singer/spastic frontman Pete Simonelli knows how to tell a story. If you think you are too tough to listen to poetry go see Enablers live, you'll probably change your mind after Pete spills whiskey in your ear and pisses in your pocket.”
Drownedinsound Live Review: “Our drinks are dry; our dreams enriched by tales of ones gone awry. We leave. The night air cools the burn born of the overuse of the word visceral. Yet nothing else so simple truly sticks. One fears that no words can ever really do Enablers justice, and that appreciative silence stemming from minutes too many to count stood mesmirised is critical commendation enough."
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